How It Works

Wondering how the website design project goes? Here is how it works.


Phase-Based Production

A  I laid out already, we will clearly set the goals first, then try to achieve a milestone in each phase.

1. Goal Setting

Let’s jump on a call and set specific goals.

2. Design

After setting clear goals, I will create wireframe and come up with a few iterations of the site.

3. Launch

After we ticked all the boxes in the checklist, we can launch the site!

Why Phase-Based Process?

A website project may look easy but if you want to build a website that attracts customers, you should plan ahead with a purpose even with a simple website. So, ket’s make sure we have everyything we need in place before we get started.


1. Create A Roadmap

Without a roadmap, we don’t know where we’re going. So, let’s set specific goals first. What do you want your website visitors to do?

Selling more products? Getting more subscribers, increasing inquiries?  Or is it attracting Japanese customers?

The goals we come up with in this phase might dictate design and copy so let’s make sure we are on the same page on this.

Estimated time to complete: 1~2 weeks


2. Design & Copy

Once we set clear goals, we can start working on design and copy.  First, I will wireframe it and come up with a layout, color palette, etc.

Estimated time to complete: 2-4 weeks


3. Launch

Let’s celebrate… but just for a moment. If you find any bugs, I can fix them and keep tweaking.

What I Need From You To Get Started


Your Logo

PNG, EPS file

hosting credentials

Hosting Credentials

Your hosting account login and/or Cpanel username and password.

WordPress Login

An administrator login to your current WordPress site. (if you have one up already)


Images, pictures, illustrations, any images that you want to show on the website



Website copy, blog articles (if already exists)

If you do not have an existing website and starting from scratch, I can take care of hosting and manage it on my hosting, so please let me know. 

Ready To Start A New Project?


Feel free to conact me and ask any questions.